Welcome to the re-designed Faith Library website. We are proud to launch this new website as a part of our continuing efforts to deliver quality ministry tools and resources to Christians around the world. Other projects we are involved in include the Global Prayer Network (A Ministry of the Church of God), JesusSaves.cc (A comprehensive online witnessing tool), TrueLife.org (A church growth tool), and several other prayer networks. 

Our primary goal in providing these resources is to see the great comission fulfilled. The mission is great, but we want to do our part. We hope that you will use this website as a tool for your ministry. You are welcomed to use the sermons on this website as learning tools, and quality examples of Sermons and teachings you can offer the world. The only thing we have been missing until now is you!

We want your Sermons, Sermon Notes, Small Group Meeting plans, Sermon Audio Recordings, and Video’s. Never before has the tool existed for ministry leaders to so easily connect with each other and provide encouragement and feedback.

By sharing your experience on this website you can provide another avenue that God can use to reach the lost. Please send us your materials, and get signed up as a member of the Faith Library Community today!