You may be shocked by the title, but I believe it is a prophetic word for the church today. Did you know you, your family, your people, even your church could be under a curse because of communion. Entire networks or denominations could be under a curse for taking communion unworthily. It is time to break the curse and let God’s people go free. It is time for the church to be the church God intended us to be. If you don’t believe it could be, or maybe something is breaking in you already, read on!
1 Cor. 11:27-32 lays it out clearly. God is speaking to the church about communion. Verse 29 says if we take communion in an unworthy manner, we bring damnation to ourselves. Let’s make two things clear: first, verse 29 says how we do it, “not discerning
the Lord’s body” and second, verse 32 says when God judges us it does not mean spiritual judgment or being condemned with the world or unbelievers. This is not a spiritual judgment but a physical one.
Now don’t let go of this truth. The cause is laid out in verses 29 & 30, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this cause Proverbs 26:2 declares the curse causeless will not come. There is always a therefore, because, or so, a reason for the results in our lives.
The cause is taking communion not discerning the Lord’s body. Therefore, we must understand this principle. We are the body of Christ (1 Cor. 10:15-17). The body and the bread (1 Cor. 12:12-27 and Ephesians 1:22-23).
The word “communion” is the Greek word koinonia and is found throughout the New Testament. It is translated sharing, fellowship, and partner. It means the closest, deepest kind of relationship. Simply and rather forcefully it means togetherness.
We must return to one body in Christ. Jesus prayed that we all may be one in John 17. The whole of the communion service is to show forth the Lord’s death until He comes. The cross makes us one. Galatians 3:26-29 and Ephesians 2:11-22 declares the cross
broke down the dividing wall and made us one. Notice, no longer Jew nor Greek, bond or free, or male nor female. Yet these things still exist in the church world, genderism, denominationalism and racism.
Why no lasting revival? Why is there as much sexual sin, divorce and addiction in the church as there is in the world? We are damning ourselves through division. How can we say we love God whom we’ve not seen and yet hate our brother whom we
have seem? (1 John 4:20).
God is not pleased! We bless God and curse men. Sunday is still the most segregated day of the week. It doesn’t matter if we all believe exactly the same, but if we are born by the Spirit of God, washed in the blood of the Lamb and confess Jesus Christ as Lord, then we are of one body. If God is your Father, then I am your brother. What? Do you listen or tell racial jokes, black, white, Polish, Jewish or Hispanic? Do you down the Baptist or Pentecostals? Judge the Methodist or Charismatics? Then we are guilty. Do you treat women as second-class citizens and say God can’t use them to preach the Gospel? Then we are under a curse! Do you say only people from your church can take communion with you or that we should all stay in our place? Then you are being judged. God is calling for the body of Christ to be ONE “whole” body. Whole means complete, one, healed, delivered, sound, free and strong. Verse 28 says we must examine ourselves. Be honest inside, and verse 31, judge ourselves so we will not be judged by God. Remember “togetherness.” How many real friends do you have of another race, denomination or gender? Who do you worship with? It’s time to be clean. It’s time to be WHOLE!
Next month I will explain four curses that come upon the church because of unworthily taking communion and HOW TO BREAK THE CURSE THROUGH COMMUNION. Until then, may God reveal His glory in you, through you and to the lost, hurting world
He came to save. See you next time.

You may be shocked by the title, but I believe it is a prophetic word for the church today. Did you know you, your family, your people, even your church could be under a curse because of communion. Entire networks or denominations could be under a curse for taking communion unworthily.