Series: The Vision of the House – City Church of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN

A few weeks ago, we made a strategic and historic move as a church. We decided to change our name. This, indeed, was an audacious move, but God has proven again and again that he blesses audacity. With this in mind, we must understand that our goal as a church should not be the blessing of God. Our goal must be to be a people whom God is willing to bless.
Today, we begin a series of messages the City Church of Chattanooga. I want to cast a vision for the future.
A vision is a specific call to our church, imparted by God, which gives us a mental picture of a preferable future.


Without a vision, we perish.
Proverbs 29:18, Without a vision, the people perish. Perish means to “be uncontrolled, unrestrained, unharnessed.” A vision provides a harnessing and the restraint of focus.
1 Corinthians 9:26, So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I am not like a boxer who misses his punches. (NLT) A vision… …Clarifies our purpose. …Defines our identity. …Simplifies our choices. …Guides our future.


It will be inspiring. A God-imparted vision will never be dull or boring.
It will move us at the core of our being. 2 Peter 1:21, It was the Holy Spirit who moved the prophets to speak. (NLT) It will be change-oriented. A new vision is a new wineskin for a new day. Matthew 9:17, No one puts new wine in an old wineskin, spilling the wine and running the wineskin. (NLT) It will be challenging. God loves to stretch is people, calling us to do things we have never done before. Joshua 1:679, Be strong and courageous, for you will lead my people to posses the land…Be strong and courageous…I command you—be strong and courageous!
It will be empowering. Those who buy into the vision will experience the anointing of the vision. The vision is not how we will be served, but how we will serve.
Luke 4:18, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to preach…set captives free…open the eyes of the blind…heal the brokenhearted.
The Vision of the City Church of Chattanooga
To be a life-giving church, helping the people of metro Chattanooga…