(Ephesians 1:3-6) You are destined for a place in the kingdom. Some of you realize that, but some do not. We are talking about a divine destiny that embraces and envelops every one of your lives. In order to understand this we must understand two things:
First, you were destined to be the bride of Christ. Romance is at the heart of this universe. It is the key to all existence. From all eternity, God purposed that some time in the future His son would have an eternal companion. A companion described by John as the Bride, the Lamb’s wife. In Rev. 21:9 You are that bride. All events from all eternity were ordered and directed for that one purpose. That was, the preparing and training of the bride. That is your ultimate place in the kingdom. You place is not just to be married, to be a mother, or someone’s employee. Your ultimate place in the kingdom was and is, to be the bride of Christ. Whether man, woman, or child that is your place. Therefore, everything that happens on this earth, everything you encounter, plays a part in preparing and training you to be that bride, to rule and reign throughout eternity. Everything that comes your way, the Holy Spirit uses to train and equip you. NO, He does not initiate
everything that comes your way, but He uses it. If you embrace that fact then no day will be mundane or ordinary, no day will be lost. You’ll never go to bed at midnight thinking this day has been a total waste, because you will know that on that day something happened to conform you by the Holy Spirit to the Bride.
In World War II there was a general on the front line who had much success. He was asked, “Who are your greatest warriors?” He replied, “The greatest warriors are those who have the eye of the tiger.” “What do you mean?” “It means those who have faced the enemy head on, they know exactly what he looks like, they almost suffered at his hands, and they have purposed that they have the eye of the tiger. Nothing wavers them, nothing can hold them back, nothing can make them go back, nothing affects them. But they go on for the purpose and mission to which they were called.”
I believe in these last days God is raising up some women that have the eye of the tiger. You know what the enemy looks like, you have almost suffered at his hands. Nothing wavers you, nothing can hold you back, nothing can make you go back, nothing affects you. But you go for the purpose and mission to which you are called.
Know who is in control of your destiny. Your destiny has deep design behind it. God has a place in the kingdom that has intricate details. In Exodus 15, Moses said, “Who is like thee oh God? Isaiah 28 says, “He is the Lord of Hosts, excellent in working.” In carving out your destiny, your place in the kingdom, the Lord of Hosts has molded out a plan in which not one detail has been overlooked.
You and I are just seeing the beginning, and God sees the middle and end. So we don’t always understand what this deep intelligent place is going to be. But we will know it when we get there.
Secondly, God has a specific plan for you as a woman. In scripture there were 14 prophetess, only one was a false prophetess. In the Old Testament Rachel prophesied the birth of Benjamin. Miriam was the first woman called a prophetess. Deborah was a judge in Israel, the highest power of authority. Esther delivered a nation. In the New Testament Anna was the first to preach Jesus publicly after His birth. There were Phillip’s four daughters. Women were the last at the cross, the first at the tomb, the first to proclaim the resurrection, attended the first prayer meeting, first to greet missionaries Paul and Silas, and Paul’s first convert was Lydia.
They held offices in the church in the apostolic ministry. In  Romans 16:7 Junia is noted among the apostles. Priscilla labored with Paul. In the prophetic ministry, Anna in Luke 2, and Phillip’s four daughters in Acts 21:8-9, Peter even said in Acts 2:17 your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. In the evangelistic ministry, Euodia and Syntyche in Philippians 4 labored with Paul, not to mention Mary Magdalene. As pastors and teachers, Priscilla took Apollos aside, explained to him the way of God more accurately in Acts 18:24-26, Timothy’s grandmother and mother taught him the scriptures from a very early age. As a deacon there was Phoebe in Romans 16.
Men and women simply are not the same obviously. The emancipation of women into God’s fullest intention for them should not erase all distinctions, for those were designed by God Himself.
Women cannot make their greatest contribution to the body of Christ by imitating men, but rather by shining with the special qualities God gave them. Although the distinction between male and female is obvious and was part of God’s original plan, there initially was such harmony, oneness and teamwork between the genders that the Lord considered them one. So much so they only had one name, Adam.
Not until sin entered did Eve get her own name. Men and women working together is the key to unlocking the church’s greatest potential. The stories of Esther and Deborah are the perfect examples. You see God had a purpose and place in the kingdom for each of these women and at the appointed time they were brought to the place God needed them. Both of these women waited on God for His timing, they prayed, and they fasted. Esther had a three-fold plan, fasting, determination through boldness, and gaining the attention of the king.
You were born to be remarkable. Your place in the kingdom is unique. The vision God has for you is unique. You are irreplaceable! Get the eye of the tiger to take your place in the kingdom of God. To let go of your destiny, to let go of being all God wants you to be, would be the greatest tragedy.

(Ephesians 1:3-6) You are destined for a place in the kingdom. Some of you realize that, but some do not. We are talking about a divine destiny that embraces and envelops every one of your lives. In order to understand this we must understand two things: