I am writing this word as a parable to this great apostolic reformation. I know there will be scholars who disagree and others who even take offense, but let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
In Revelation 2:18-29, Jesus is addressing one of the seven churches. While these may be ages of the church, many agree all seven are alive today as part of the “Last Days” church. We all know they also were seven actual churches in the early period of Christianity.
Jezebel, while being two actual women in the church of the Old and New Testaments, is also a type of a spirit. This spirit works through an authority structure to seduce God’s servants and also attack God’s true authority.
Satan himself rebelled against God. The serpent seduced Eve to rebel and bring division between Adam and his Father “God”. In Old Testament days, Jezebel seduced Ahab the King to fight and take by force Naboth’s vineyard. When Elijah, God’s prophet, began to speak, this spirit arose to intimidate God’s prophet. Elijah became a father to Elisha, and in   Malachi 4:6  we see the spirit of Elijah does just this. . . turn the hearts of fathers to children and children to fathers.
In New Testament days, John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah! Again, Herodias working through seduction of the authority structure of Herod had John beheaded. Herod listened to John, but this spirit hated John. Jezebel means “without cohabitation”; not; what; how; wither; nothing; not exist; dwelling; false, God moves to restore fathers to sons and sons to fathers.
God sent Jesus to do this in the earth, but the organized church of His day fought Him and falsely accused Him. They were jealous of Him. Read  Matthew 21:33-41. Israel knew Jesus was God’s son. Also read John 11:45-53. This spirit hates God’s authority and refuses to surrender control.
To “seduce” in Revelation 2:20 means impostor or to mislead. 

What is this spirit doing in the Last Days Church? Notice verse 19. I know thy “service”. This word is used of apostles, prophets and deacons as well as other gifts of the Spirit. You see God has sent the spirit of Elijah the prophet to release fathers. Was it not the prophets and the teachers who separated apostles in Antioch? What did these apostles do but raise up sons.
Joel said in the “Last Days” God would pour out His Spirit on sons and daughters and would bring together the old and young men. God is restoring true authority back to the church–His authority. But the spirit of Jezebel hates God’s authority. It is seducing God’s servants and misleading many. Where? In the Church. It is happening in the man made authority structures. You see “kings” were not God’s original plan, but the people’s plan. They wanted a king. Today is no different. People want their way instead of God’s way.
But listen to the words of Jesus. I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH. WARNING! To all organizations, networks, denominations and churches, beware of Jezebel in the House of God. She is an impostor, seducer and she is out to destroy God’s servants. God gives a space to repent. Run to the mercy seat. Cast out Jezebel who wants to control and dominate because she cannot cohabitate with God’s authority.
She has been cast into a bed of sickness. . .probably an open flow venereal disease like the woman with the issue of blood. This sickness stops conception, stops fruitfulness and brings death to the Church. Without apostles and prophets the church is sick, dying in stale doctrine. There are no miracles. There are no sons and daughters. Most organized structures of authority have built great institutions with many instructors. But where are the fathers? Sons are crying out. God will hear their cry. Many will leave these structures that have Jezebel. And they will run to the river where John the Baptist is waiting with the spirit of Elijah.
Which spirit will you come under? Which spirit will teach you? He that hath an ear must hear and respond. May God grant you much more from this morsel of truth. Until next time, go with God and you’ll never go wrong.

I am writing this word as a parable to this great apostolic reformation. I know there will be scholars who disagree and others who even take offense, but let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.