Jesus said, “if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” We live in a world where three billion people have yet to have that opportunity. We have stadiums filled with crusades, Bible schools, Christian universities, revivals such as Pensacola’s Brownsville Assembly of God, missions organizations, Christian radio, television and press, and still we are yet not seeing the fulfillment of Ephesians 4:11-16.
Most of our five-fold offices being seen and heard on television and radio, are still doing the work of the ministry!
We are re-reaching the backslider, rededicating the undedicated and preaching to the choir, resulting in a dwarfing of the Body of Christ instead of building it up. Our churches are filled with saints who have never interceded for a foreign country, never won a soul, never discipled a new convert, never prayed for the sick and seen them healed, and never preached or prophesied the Word of God! I believe we are still lifting up the Hand of God, and that being paralyzed in its purposed function, instead of the Hand of God exalting Jesus! I believe God is strengthening His hand to “equip the saints.” Every saint should be a soul winner and a disciple maker. Every child of God should be an apostolic establisher of God’s Kingdom in the earth while prophetically speaking God’s heart and mind to a generation hungry for God! Every believer should have a shepherd’s heart to care for the body of Christ. This is the Christ we read of in Ephesians 4:11-16.  It is this Christ that will be seen in the whole body, not just God’s hand, that will draw all men unto Christ.
The Hand of God, the Five-Fold Ministry, must equip and lift the body of Christ, that Christ may be exalted in due time. Due time is now! In the fullness of time, Y2K time, nuclear race time, this is God’s time.
We, the Body of Christ, are not early or late, we are right on time! While we humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand (the Five-Fold Equippers), we will be exalted as the Body of Christ to a lost world.
Jesus said, “if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” We live in a world where three billion people have yet to have that opportunity.